A confounding call from a secluded expanse
Keeps echoing, the vision is so vague
The Abyss and Eden show me a glimpse
In the darkness of the frightening night
The comforting smile of the Seraph
The gruesome laughter of the Satan
The bemused soul is truly unaware
To wherein it really belongs
A shadow floats sniveling above
Concealed by a layer of miasma
The clouds produce spiky drops
Each of the drops penetrates the soul
The twinge makes the soul realize
With each of the rain the haze uncovers
An eternal journey has just began
To an entirely eccentric world
Nearing the death day by day
Nearing new life day by day
Uncovering the enigma of death after life
Uncovering the enigma of life after death
The soul experiences a slow death
The soul regains a new life…
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